Belghar Nature Camp is situated at an altitude of 2555 feet above the sea in Kandhamal District. Belghar-Daringbadi is the land of “Hills and Waterfalls”. Belghar is 158 Kms away from district headquarter i.e. Phulbani. It is mainly inhabited by a particular tribe known as “Kutia Kandha”. The tribals believe in age old traditions of hut dwelling and food gathering. Though they are living in forests for years together yet they are hospitable and friendly. Belghar is surrounded by towering hillocks around. The thick forest is home to a number of rare endangered species of animals and plants.

The pride of the forest of Belghar is the long tusked Elephants that abound plenty in the region. Many other smaller mammal fauna like deer, wild boar, bear etc and varieties of birds viz: Hill Myna, Parrot, Peacocks and Flying Giant Squirrels are found which attracts the visitors. The natural vegetation of the forests are wooded trees which rises to a great height.Winter is enjoyable here which can be experience from November to end of March. Heavy mist and dew are also prevalent during the winter season. Average rainfall is 1382 mm. The perennial rivers and streams like “Pipili” and “Penaju Nala” are the water source of Belghar. Amongst the hillocks one large grass land on the top of hill at “DIMILI” is a must worth view point for the visitors.
Beauty of Dimili Hill
Scenic View of Belghar